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Breaking change data capture with primary keys

A SQL statement that updates a row's primary key

My work on dealing with multiple tables was interrupted when I discovered a subtle scenario that leads to DMS CDC output that cannot be correctly interpreted. I was unable to find a solution, but I will update this post if new information emerges.

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Accidental discovery

A later post in this series tackles changes across multiple tables. As I was writing it, one of the examples I fired at the database was this innocent-looking set of statements - and without it I might have happily finished off the series without noticing this problem!

Bonus points if you can tell what the problem will be.

Just another transaction...
INSERT INTO orders VALUES(30000,'VINET', ... '51100', 'France');
INSERT INTO order_details VALUES(30000,1,11,12,0);
UPDATE order_details SET quantity = 1 WHERE order_id = 30000;
UPDATE order_details SET product_id = 77 WHERE order_id = 30000;

The order_details table

The order_details table connects orders and products. Rows represent the presence of a particular product in a particular order and record properties like quantity of the product.

graph LR
    subgraph orders

    subgraph order_details

    subgraph products

    o_order_id --- od_order_id
    od_product_id --- p_product_id

There's no single column that defines a unique entity in this table. A row represents a unique connection between an order and a product, so the pair of columns (order_id, product_id) are needed to uniquely identify a connection.

This is a primary key in the table and as you'd expect there's a primary key constraint in the source database to prevent duplicates.

Primary key constraint in source database
ALTER TABLE ONLY order_details
    ADD CONSTRAINT pk_order_details PRIMARY KEY (order_id, product_id);

An Athena table for order_details

I'll need to lay a table over the raw CSV files for order_details to query the CDC data.

External table over the order_details CDC files
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE northwind_cdc.order_details (
  cdc_operation string,
  transaction_commit_timestamp string,
  order_id string, 
  product_id string, 
  unit_price string, 
  quantity string, 
  discount string,
  transaction_sequence_number string)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde' 
LOCATION 's3://your-target-bucket/cdc/public/order_details'

A clearer example

That exact transaction that led to discovery is quite tricky to work with in CDC without disambiguation logic, and I'll defer that complication for the next post. Here's a clearer illustration.

Clearer example of the problem
-- insert new order '30004'
INSERT INTO orders VALUES(30004, 'VINET', ..., 'France');

-- insert an order detail for this order and product_id '1'
INSERT INTO order_details VALUES(30004,1,11,12,0);

-- insert an order detail for this order and product_id '2'
INSERT INTO order_details VALUES(30004,2,11,12,0);

-- update the order detail for product_id '1' to product_id '66'
UPDATE order_details SET product_id = 66 WHERE order_id = 30004 AND product_id = 1;

-- insert an order detail for this order and product_id '3'
INSERT INTO order_details VALUES(30004,3,11,12,0);

-- update the order details for product_id '2' to product_id '77'
UPDATE order_details SET product_id = 77 WHERE order_id = 30004 AND product_id = 2;

What do rows in the source database look like for order 30004 at the end of all this? (ignoring uninteresting columns)

order_id product_id quantity
30004 66 12
30004 77 12
30004 3 12

I need to be able to reconstruct this state from my CDC records. What do I have in CDC?

CDC order_details records for transaction 30004
FROM order_details
WHERE order_id = '30004'
ORDER BY transaction_commit_timestamp
cdc_operation order_id product_id quantity
I 30004 1 12
I 30004 2 12
U 30004 66 12
I 30004 3 12
U 30004 77 12

Do you see it yet? How do I get to that final state?

I can't see any way to know that the row with product_id=66 actually replaced the row with product_id=1, and that there is no longer a row with product_id=1!

It looks like there are five products in order_id=30004, instead of the correct three, and the rows that are there don't make a lot of sense. They only include row values at the end of the transaction, and so look like independent (order_id, product_id) pairs, that is, five unique order-product connections.

The CDC U update records have no corresponding insert for those. Querying for UPDATEs without corresponding INSERT records looks like a good way of detecting and quantifying the problem.

Singular primary keys

What about single-column primary keys? We can probably guess but I'll check. Here's a quick insert of order_id 30005, followed by an update of the primary key to 30006.

Single-column insert and update primary key
-- create new order 30005
INSERT INTO orders VALUES(30005, 'VINET', ... , 'France');

-- update order 30005 to be order 30006
UPDATE orders SET order_id = 30006 WHERE order_id = 30005

When these transactions come through the CDC pipeline, we have what looks like two orders, instead of one. order_id 30005 no longer exists in the source database, and we see the same signature update-without-an-insert pattern.

CDC output for updated primary key
FROM orders
WHERE order_id IN ('30005', '30006')
cdc_operation transaction_commit_timestamp order_date order_id
I 2024-06-16 09:40:36.854638 2024-05-07 30005
U 2024-06-16 09:40:51.026101 2024-05-07 30006



I've run transactions through where an order_details row is deleted after an update. You do see the primary key columns in the deleted record, so you can still tie it back to the row that was deleted, but it doesn't help with the original update. If I deleted the order_details row with order_id=66 in the example above, I'd be able to tidy up the corresponding UPDATE, but as you'd expect there's still no way to associate the DELETE with the INSERT with order_id=1 is left behind.


I didn't see any further useful metadata in the CDC data I have. Nothing in the AWS DMS S3 target settings that I can turn on to get more information. Nor can I see any mention of the problem in the AWS DMS Best Practices documentation.

I asked on AWS re:Post to see if I've missed anything, and got a solution from an AWS support engineer. I can add a transformation to the CDC feed to add columns containing the previous values of primary key columns when those values are updated.

Adding primary key before columns

Following the approach suggested on re:Post, I added a transformation rule with action add-before-image-columns to append before images for primary key columns to the tables, using my CloudFormation template. I then re-ran the example transactions above and saw new values appended to the CSV files.

To inspect the new values with SQL, I updated the external table definitions to include the new columns, specifically:

  • append before_order_id STRING to the orders table column list
  • append before_order_id STRING, before_product_id STRING to the orders table column list

Full updated table definitions are available in the supporting GitHub repository. Revisiting the last Athena query now (when I re-ran the transactions, I adjusted the order_ids to avoid confusion with the previous transactions)):

CDC output for updated primary key with before image
FROM orders
WHERE order_id IN ('30015', '30016')
cdc_operation transaction_commit_timestamp order_date order_id before_order_id
I 2024-07-05 20:11:22.407658 2024-05-26 30015
U 2024-07-05 20:11:40.463515 2024-05-26 30016 30015

Great, I can now see that order_id=30016 resulted from a primary key update on order_id=30015. How best to use this information may depend on what your usecase needs. For my promotions usecase, I could just ignore the problem altogether and accept the risk of an order qualifying more than once. Alternatively, I could ignore any rows with primary key updates by filtering out those that have a value in before_order_id.

If nothing else, having these "before" values aids the team in understanding what's going on. They show how these strange-looking updates without inserts occurred, and connects apparently new orders to their original IDs.


If whatever source application is writing to the database never updates primary key values anywhere then you wouldn't see this problem. Updates without corresponding inserts could indicate that the source application is behaving this way. I don't recall seeing a best practice called out to never update primary key values, and I don't know of database-level constraints that would prevent updates to primary key columns. Even if the source application doesn't make these kinds of updates as part of its normal operations, there's the possibility that manual troubleshooting or automation outside the application might.

I ran this discovery past a couple of colleagues to check I wasn't missing something obvious, including Nathan Carney. He had a look round and amongst other things pointed me to MS SQL Server documentation that says:

After change data capture is enabled, no modification is allowed on the primary key.

That's the SQL Server specific CDC, not DMS.


If you want to get in touch with me about the content in this post, you can find me on LinkedIn or raise an issue/start a discussion in the GitHub repo. I'll be happy to credit you for any corrections or additions!

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