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  • Profile photo for Paul Brabban Paul Brabban, Lead Consultant at Equal Experts

    With experience in software development, data engineering and machine learning, I specialise in data-intensive problems and decentralised data engineering at scale. My experience extends to leading teams, technical architecture and product development. Find out more about my experience and publications in my portfolio.

    Contact me to see how I can help at

How I Do Python Data Supply Chain Security

A photo taken whilst SCUBA diving of Thresher shark circling off a seamount in the Phillipines. Credit: me

We data practitioners - data scientists, data engineers, analytics engineers, et al. - have a hard time when it comes to security. We're exposed to tools that demand we write code and deal with the messy world of programming languages and packages. We often have little choice but to drag insights out of real and sensitive data, exposing us to risks other developers can avoid, because insights don't hide in test data. Training, career paths and dev-experience efforts typically overlook data folks, depriving them of knowledge about the risks they're exposed to and how to mitigate them. Read on and I'll share what I do (and why) to protect myself, Equal Experts and my clients from the security risks lurking behind every piece of software.

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Why Try Codespaces?

A photo of a crab on a night dive in the red sea. Credit: me

Why I've been trialling GitHub Codespaces as a more secure alternative to local development. I never expected to be pushing changes from my phone!

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Fine-Grained GitHub Access Tokens with mkdocs-material-insiders

Aiming an arrow at a target as a hero image

mkdocs-material-insiders is the version of mkdocs-material with extra sponsor-only features. I wanted to use some of those features, but I didn't like the risk of GitHub classic personal access tokens. I'll describe how fine-grained access tokens, currently in beta, mitigate the risk and how I set up to use them for local development and in CI. The solution works, because that's how I wrote and published this post!

Now on mkdocs-material

A photo from a hotel in Manchester, of a new tower construction nearby in the foreground with skyline in the background

I started with a custom Gatsby site, then switched to Hugo (which I didn't write about). Last weekend, I switched again to mkdocs. Am I addicted to fiddling and changing stuff? Well, maybe... but each of those changes happened because of problems or concerns I had. I hope that mkdocs and mkdocs-material will be my home for a while. Pull up a seat and let's take a look at how and why I ended up here.

Irresponsible Expertise - Python Packages

Are we experts teaching safe computing? Or are we empowering the less-experienced without informing about the risks and responsibilities? I suspected the latter but had no evidence to back it up. I've tried to run a quick experiment as impartially as I can to see what the evidence suggests.

Part of an exploration of supply chain security.

Why I Automated My Laptop Build

I've invested a fair bit of time over the last few years incrementally automating my laptop build. Now, I've got to a point where I can reliably wipe, rebuild, and pick up working where I left off in under thirty minutes. This post explains why I've invested that time.

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Materialized UDFs in a dbt World

As part of my work on the PyPI downloads dataset, I needed a way of matching package versions to vulnerability report ranges. I didn't find a solution I trusted, so I implemented a solution from spec with decent test coverage and CI/CD automation in user defined functions (UDFs). This post covers a novel approach to incorporate UDFs into the dbt ecosystem that is working really well for me - treating UDFs as dbt models with custom materialization.

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The BigQuery Safety Net

Last time, I said:

[BigQuery] doesn't offer a "don't bankrupt me without asking first" setting.

After further work, I find that's not true! This setting is available in the UI, just a bit tricky to find. More importantly, there's another set of controls elsewhere that you need to know about if you want to use BigQuery safely.

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